Friday, October 28, 2011

Un nuevo dia....A brand new day!!!

Hello to all my fellow wives, military wives, mothers and Christ like women,

This is my introduction to this blog, never thought I would actually create one but here it is...

I will take these precious silent moments (from my hectic life with two boys) to describe myself and capture the creativity that God will be doing in my life.  As I attempt to walk closer to my God, I will write about my experiences. The transformation that will happen spiritually, mental, and physical. I will post the radical transformation of my marriage...I will post scripture, songs, stories, poems etc...I've been prompted to develop these writings by God...because I know that it will impact someone out there. Beth Moore wrote a powerful statement in her study, 'Stepping up...', "God can restore our identity, our purity, our ability, and our sanity. He not only diffuses our past of all power to harm and haunt us but He infuses it with power to help others. Redemption  is incomplete if our negative past is only diffused. Satan won't be completely sorry and God won't get all the glory until the bad is used for good." I will allow my absolute authenticity and humility to be transformed into my ministry to turn my agony into God's glory--my mourning into dancing.
I pray to achieve growth in every area of my life and that this can speak to you. In order that our God may be glorified! 
