Thursday, May 3, 2012

Don't let me forget

Dear God,

Don't let me forget where you've taken me out of because greater is where you are taking me now. Don't let me forget this suffering because it draws me close to you. And I'd rather be going through this than forget you in my life. Jesus, don't let me forget that you are with me...always. Don't let me forget how much you love me. Don't let me forget how many times you've rescued me, and more so from myself. I plea that you don't let me forget the grace you've extended to me and my family. Don't let me forget those tearful nights when all I could do was look up and extend my arms to you for comfort. My God, my God don't let me forget the JOY you've bestowed upon me. Don't let me forget the tearful moments that have broken me free from this bondage. Yahweh, don't let me forget your mercies in disguise. Don't let me forget that greater is HE who's in me that he who is in this world. Don't let me forget your commandments. Abba, don't let me forget the promises that you've given me. Don't let me forget that you are true and just. Don't let me forget that I am your princess. Father, don't let me forget that you know my coming and going, that you and only you satisfy every empty space within me. Please don't let me forget that you are my healer, my redeemer, my comforter and friend. Don't let me forget to love, to dream, to accomplish your desires. Don't let me forget how much you are rooting for me to do my best.

I know you won't let me forget...I love you!

I will praise the Lord.
I won't forget anything he does for me.
Psalm 103:2

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A tasty Blessing: Spanish Chicken Recipe

"Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see - how good God is. Blessed are you who run to Him." Psalm 34:8

The post of the day was prompted by this amazing verse which captured my attention this morning on FB while reading all the updated status'. My God is good and better yet the good that He unveils when we surrender each day to do His will. I've decided to allow Love transcend through everything my hands touch...So, I saw this recipe on TV, Nigella Lawson, she was cooking up Pollo Espanol or Spanish style chicken. It was a success in my home and hope it will be in yours.

However, I made my own version of Pollo a la Espanola. Here's my version of this fantastic recipe:
1 whole chicken (I used Natural from TJ's), cut the chicken in all its pieces.
1/2 SOYRIZO (I substituted chorizo because we're trying to cut back on pork).
1/2 white onion (the original recipe calls for 1/2 a purple onion)
2 Yukon Potatoes (the recipe calls for little potatoes cut in half)
1/2 Carton of Mushrooms (TJ's) [this was NOT in the original recipe]
1 whole yellow squash [NOT in the original recipe]
Orange Zest (you MUST grate Orange Zest on top of the chicken it's awesome)
*I added the extra veggies 'cuz my boy's are not great veggie eaters so where ever I can put 'em in...I WILL!

375 degree oven for about 1 hour

As a side I made a simple Romain lettuce salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette.
Romain Lettuce (cut the lettuce put in bowl)
a couple of splashes of Balsamic Vinegar on top,
2 T or more Grape seed oil (You can use Olive oil)
Pinch of salt
Combine it all together

Homemade Strawberry Lemonade
1 cup sugar, 1 cup of water to make syrup [I used only 1/3 to sweeten our lemonade] You can also substitute AGAVE syrup.
1 pint fresh strawberries
1 cup fresh lemon juice (this equaled close to 8 of my lemons)
4-6 cups cold water (this will vary depending on your taste)

Almond Berry Muffins
For dessert I made Berry Muffins, I made a couple of changes to the original recipe (click on the link for the original recipe).
1 cup of whole wheat flour
1/2 cup of Almond flour
4 oz granulated sugar
2 tsp baking powder
2 cups of buttermilk
1 stick butter, melted
4oz blueberry, thawed
4oz raspberry, thawed
2oz almonds cut in half

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Loss is a terrible feeling

"Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning."
Psalm 30:5

I was living on a beautiful Island in Japan; moreover, while God was creating my oldest son in my womb, chaos began to form itself around me. I was about 12 weeks into my pregnancy, sitting on my couch when I got a horrible call from my brother telling me our father passed. I didn't believe him, I thought he was playing a terrible joke on me. Oh, the heaviness heart break causes...your unable to understand, your unable to wrap your head around that person being gone, your unable to catch your breath, unable to stand, to hear, to stop from crying. Loss is a terrible feeling. And while I was experiencing the best time in my life, I was experiencing the most terrible time in my life. I can only describe it...bitter sweet. I loved being pregnant, I hated the fact that I wasn't going to witness my father meet my son. My father had missed the most precious moments in my life and now he won't be a part of this either. I didn't understand. The funeral for me was very difficult and everyone kept saying, 'you have to take care of your baby'. Moreover, all I wanted to do was be angry and cry but I couldn't bring him back. He was gone. It's been three years now and it still feels like it was just yesterday. God took a huge part of my life but he also took my biggest burden. God released me from the burden of always worrying about dad. I began to realize and be content with the fact that God took my dad to HIS eternal bosom. God finally gave him his true victory, he's own freedom. Even though loss is a terrible feeling, REJOICING does come in the morning. God does take away that sadness. Don't get me wrong I still cry at the thought of dad's smile or his laugh but it's a different cry. It's a joyous cry. It's a cry followed by a victorious smile. My dear friend, don't allow to be over enveloped by your terrible feeling of loss. But allow the Holy Spirit to encompass your heart with a glimpse of His shining victory. The journey of loss is a roller coaster it never ends but instead of being a terrible ride let God bless you with the best ride of your life.

God's promise to ME!

Psalm 121:7, "The Lord will keep you from all harm--He will watch over your life."
Elizabeth: God's Promise!

My story begins at 19, when a discontentment with a sibling turned into an ugly fight for survival. The result a lost battle with bruises and scars both physical and emotional. Moreover, the worse of all was a lost child...mine. I was pregnant at 19 with my first child and lost it because of rage. I wasn't ready to be a mom but I wasn't ready for anything at that point. I just wanted to survive. I am not proud of the decisions I made but it's all part of my journey. And now I understand, why. Because many times I asked myself, why me Lord? I came from a good home, my parents taught me respect, they worshiped you!...Nevertheless, I made my own choices and one of those choices landed me in this situation. I take full responsibility for my actions, it was nobody else's fault but mine. From that point on I began to see the world in a different way, a world that surrendered itself to suffering and pain. I hadn't known that world before and never wish to go back there again. I went through many more heart aches after that, He wanted to remind me that it was HE or nothing more than that. I came to a place where life didn't matter anymore--and I said with my own lips 'God please take me away from this agonizing place'. It was at that point when He grabbed my attention and my life began to take a special rotation. You see, God takes me back sometimes to remind me to surrender what's not mine but HIS. To give up my past that tries to linger into my present and wants to sneak its ugly head toward my future. He takes me back to remind me that nevertheless the circumstances HE was there then and HE is still with me now. It's freedom time HE's time to let go of what happened and let healing come from within. Forgive those who have hurt you and let me heal your pains, your future doesn't have room for sorrow and strains. Now, I am 29...ten years have passed and true healing has taken it's dwelling place. It's been a long journey to get here and it continues to teach me to RELY on GOD alone because HE will make it alright. God promises me life an abundant life (John 10:10), the devil only wants to take life away from me. I have come to an understanding that the enemy hates me so much that he wants to destroy my life. He wants to take my life because he knows that I have God. And since he cannot take his old life back he wants me to share in his agonizing future. I choose today not to listen to my enemy, I choose today to have and abundant life, I choose today to live in freedom that only my Christ can give me. My dear reader choose today to allow God into your heart, life doesn't get easy but HE makes it easy to live it. The circumstance can seem big but my God is GRAND! I worship a mighty God that LOVES ME, I worship a KING that crowns me as HIS princess, I worship a father that caresses my pains away. Give God an opportunity and I guarantee you He will guide you and allow you to dwell in his majestic presence FOREVER.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13

Camp Zampa, Okinawa Japan
On a weekday afternoon, as I was driving back home from a long day of crazy errands and the boy's slept in their car seats on back. I began to ponder a question, which now begins my every morning, 'Lord, show me what you created me to be today?'. On this particular morning, however, I had no word back. See God usually prompts me with something like 'smile at somebody' or deeper yet 'show grace'. But like I said before this was a peculiar day; therefore, a very unusual outcome. The afternoon unfolded itself with an answer in a lovely melody, Love Come to Life by Big Daddy Weave on klove radio. On a side note I love klove. And thus begins my word of the day which made me weep so deeply because I knew God was up to something...wonderful.
Bring Your love to life inside of me 
Why don't You break my heart 'til it moves my hands and feet 
For the hopeless and the broken 
For the ones that don't know that You love them 
Bring Your love to life inside of me 
 God showed me His love and better yet showed me how to love. He said to express all of His love through everything I do. Like the simple tasks of child caring, washing laundry, even washing dishes. He said to LOVE. Love through cooking, trust me, just love. Love my sweet  daughter through your hi's and goodbye's, love through your smile, love through a phone conversation--i tell you just love. It's difficult, no? To love. In Greek the word love is Agape which can be translated as a 'sacrificial love'. Only God knows this kind of love, the love He has for His children. John 3:16 depicts the most truest of Agape love for us..."For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." My heart yearns to continue to learn God's love because through it it has casted all of my fears away. Through His love it has made me love myself, my husband and my children. Through His amazing love I can love my neighbors and better yet my enemies. On that strange day, I was challenged to give it my all and just Love because..."Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres" 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. So my challenge for today my dear readers is to Love, go ahead don't be afraid you will LOVE the outcome.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


"Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit," Matthew 28:19

Dear Friends,

Have you ever dreamed of being THE disciple called out to missionary work? Have you ever wondered of being in India, Africa, or Peru preaching the Gospel to those in need? Well, my friend then God is calling you now. Maybe for the moment you can't afford a full on missionary trip because you have a full-time job or/and a family to raise. Maybe you just can't period. This year, I've been challenged with an opportunity to help a cause but not just an ordinary cause. A cause in which we can all be a part of, to help a missionary out to do just that...PREACH THE GOSPEL! Her name is Karina Vejar, she is 25 and on fire for our Lord and Savior. She will be heading out to Indonesia this summer. Indonesia has about 240 million inhabitants; it is the fourth most populous nation on Earth. It is also the world's largest Muslim country, with about 86% of the population proclaim Islam. The team is assembled in California through Living Hope Christian Center with Pastor's Benjamin and Sunny Robinson (LHCC, The team will mainly be sent out to preach the Gospel to the Indonesians. I ask that you join me in Prayer for this team and their incredible endeavor and monetary contribution. I understand that these are hard times but if the Missionary was YOU, what would you do? Who would you ask? May God implant this seed in your heart, in Jesus name.

Karina needs 10 people that would say YES, I can contribute $50 right now. Or maybe you would rather send $20, $10, or even $5...anything and everything will help. Just remember this is for GOD and HE wants to use YOU to be a part of this opportunity to expand the HIS Kingdom.


Liz Lofland

*Checks payable to Living Hope Christian Center* Please write on the memo: KV 0801CM (Cambodia),
KV0801IN (Indonesia), KV0801MX (Mexico), KV0801IMP
P. O. Box 99377. Emeryville, CA 94662 *All Donations are TAX-DEDUCTIBLE*

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Redemption is here!

"For I know the plans I have for you'--this is the Lord's declaration--'plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.'" Jeremiah 29:11

I love this verse. I was prompted to recite this verse way back when my life took a crazy turning point in Okinawa, Japan. After my oldest son Aubrey was born (3 months old), my body started acting crazy. But wait...Let me retract a little during 2009. I moved to Okinawa in January, got pregnant in March, and lost my father (who was in Mexico) in June. A lot, huh...? Yes, I know. This is why God prompted me to seek His help in Christian counseling. At the time I was attending a church, Foster Gospel, which I loved. And sought the help of my chaplain and his wife. They were both such an instrument of hope and love not only for myself but for my family. Well, going back to my crazy body. I experienced postpartum depression--scary, right? Yes it was! According to,  Postpartum depression, is a serious illness and can occur after the first few months after child birth. Postpartum is caused by hormone changes in the body of a women after birth. The triggers can be several things but for me it was due to prolonged stress in my life (remember the 2009 events, phew!). My symptoms were many but for the most part immense amount of anxiety, hopelessness, and loss of concentration. Sometimes, I can't even fathom how I survived these dark days, most of my friends didn't even know this was going on with me. A lot of times I would stay up late or wake up crying, worried about the things that lingered in my thoughts. Thank God He was always there...He protected my home. He protected ME! Now, like I said before the only way I was able to deal with this was through lot's and lot's of Prayer, Christian Counseling, being and staying involved in bible study, and I did confide with a friend at least once a month (we were each others encourager, thanks my sweet friend). I also ventured into changing my diet, changing one's diet has to be the hardest part but it's so worth it. For me, it was eating less processed foods, less meats with hormones, more fruits and veggies and lot's of water. See a lot of people perceive that postpartum is just a phase or some clinical term that can be resolved through medication. But it is not so...It's real. It effects even the best of us, the women that have always just wanted to hold their precious child with all their hearts. The woman that has waited so long after a series of miscarriages, the woman like me--maybe like you too. I spoke about this issue to my pastor and I was upset that most of my memories during this time are only in pictures and small homemade movies. Because I was so entangled that I don't remember those great moments with my child. Maybe I made them because God knew and he wanted me to be able to look back at what I missed. He never wants us to loose our joy but we're are still human and things like this do happen.  And He allowed it to happen to me but I know for a great purpose. Now, in Jesus name I am FREE. Therefore, this verse was brought forth in one of our sessions, my sweet chaplain reminded me that Jeremiah 29:11 was for ME. It was just for me and my cause. God was gonna bring REDEMPTION and HE DID! I can tell you this much it's been quite a road to recovery but God helped me through it and He can help you through your circumstance too.

These guidelines helped me:
1. Prayer: Seek ye first the kingdom of God and everything shall be added unto you. Matt 6:33, try to get up early or first thing when you wake up reach for the floor on your knees or better yet on your face--to PRAY!
"We pray in the morning to give the first stirrings of our minds to God. Before anything else, let the thought of God gladden you." St. Basin

2. Seek help (preferably from an outside Christian source: pastor, counselor etc. Not a friend)
3. Stay connected with God through His wordCalm my Anxious Heart was a great study during this time.
4. Change diet--the way we eat is very important...Healthy eating!
5. Reach out to friends, family, your husband for comfort but most of all reach out to at least one friend (that you know will understand, ask God to send someone in your life--He will!).